

An Irish immigrant lands in 1950s Brooklyn, where she quickly falls into a new romance. When her past catches up with her, however, she must choose between two countries and the lives that exist within.

Brooklyn is without a doubt one of my favorite movies of the year. Brooklyn is  incredibly stylish, sweet, heartfelt, emotional, and well-acted. Saoirse Ronan delivers my favorite female performance of the year as a very compelling and interesting character who immigrates across the globe and has her life changed in both New York and Ireland. Ronan conveyed every feeling and emotion so realistically, and allowed the audience to relate to her closely. Throughout the film, I felt myself emotionally compelled, at times I was laughing, smiling, and even almost crying at other times, all thanks to Ronan’s deep and strong performance, as well as the way this movie was able to convey every emotion into the film. When Ronan’s character has to make decisions, you are always provoked to think how you would make them yourself. The movie delivers with a great story and screenplay, with a necessarily moderate length, a tad less than 2 hours, but still fits the story perfectly. Everything about the set and costume designing was great as well. I found Brooklyn to be a movie that has something great that has something for everyone, so I definitely recommend a big screen experience for this film.

Brooklyn delivers a great story with fantastic emotions, performances, and has something for everyone, no matter what your taste in film is like. If you want a charming and amazing time at the movies, I would recommend you see this.

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